Author Archive

Daniel Dougherty
Hailing from the Rocky Mountains, Daniel Dougherty is an introvert with much to say—consequently he has resorted to writing to say it. Focusing mainly on the subjects of History, Folklore, and Literature, he seeks to learn from ages past (often exhausting all sources of research) in order to pass it on to his own halflings (and for his own amusement). He also attempts numerous illustrations—usually Tolkien-related—in his non-existent free time. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts.

Why England (and the Entire Known Universe) Celebrates St. George
“Dragon-slayer,” “Victory-bearer,” and “The Great Martyr” are just a few ...

Night of Splendor: The Tale of the Paschal Flame
There is something mysterious about fire. It can sustain life at the glowing hearth or it can ...

“The Eagles Are Coming!”: Tolkien & the Catholic Hope of Eucatastrophe
Anyone brave or foolish enough to glance at today's news headlines is doubtless overwhelmed by ...

Gift-Giver, Ocean-Tamer, Demon-Slayer: The Legacy of St. Nicholas
Who has not heard of St. Nicholas? ...

From Little Lanterns to Puritan Pilgrims: How a Soldier-Saint Inspired a Season of Gratitude
Something moves in the twilight. In the chilly autumn evening, an armored figure mounted on a ...
The Secrets of Halloween and the Lost Triduum of the Church
The season of Halloween is the most misunderstood event of the year. Within the past century ...
September’s Marian Mystery
Gerard Manley Hopkins writes in his poem The May Magnificat that “May is Mary's ...
George Washington and the Catholic Church: How the Father of Our Country Regarded the Faith of Our Fathers
Was George Washington a Catholic? ...
A Rib, A Cross, and A Promise: The Origins of Devotion to the Sacred Heart
For God so loved the ...
Discover St. Longinus and the “Spear of Destiny”
It’s one of the most extraordinary artifacts in world history. ...