For over two decades, Ennie Hickman’s determined pursuit of Gospel joy has aided God in transforming the lives of countless people. With a heart for the outcast and forgotten in society, he has served as a youth minister, coach, domestic missionary, international speaker, non-profit president, and currently serves at The Saint Constantine School and College in Houston, TX. Constantine is a new and innovative “Oxbridge” style micro-college with a dynamic Christian Classical PK3-12 school attached.
In 2019, after 10 years of leading Adore Ministries in inner city missions, Ennie and his wife Cana founded Del Rey Collective to empower and encourage individuals and families to live on mission in the ordinary and everyday life of home and neighborhood. Del Rey challenges individuals and families to look at Christ’s command to love neighbor as “to love your actual neighbor” and the social impact it might have.
Whether on their own back porch or in packed churches, Ennie and Cana, along with their 9 children, aim to follow Jesus’ commands to love God and their neighbors while accompanying people in this beautiful, messy life of joy. Ennie Hickman has had various titles over the last 20+ years. However, his primary focus has been to become an expert at loving his wife and family. The Hickmans continue to open their home every week to neighbors and strangers. You are always welcome to stop by for a cold beverage.
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