Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM lived the life of the prodigal son for most of his young adult life. Raised in a typical 1980s Catholic family, who only lived the externals of the faith, Fr. Ken left the Church. He spent years focused on money, fitness, and success. Very successful in business, he made little room for God—but God did not give up on him. During this journey, God presented him with challenges that forced him to reconsider his beliefs and answer the question “What is Truth?” Through years of struggle, study, and questioning, Fr. Ken found his way from agnosticism to non-denominational Christianity and ultimately, back to the Catholic Church. Fr. Ken joined the Fathers of Mercy in 2006 and was ordained in 2012. For two years he served as an associate pastor of a medium-sized parish and currently serves as a Missionary, webmaster, and vocation director for the Fathers of Mercy. Fr. Ken has a deep understanding of the personal and societal pressures that individuals face when wrestling with their faith. He has much experience with apologetics, having spoken to people coming from all stages of the journey—including those who love Christ as well as those who “hate coming to church.” Fr. Ken was the video host for the Good Catholic series We Believe.