Grace Hetzel is a native of North Carolina, where she was raised in a large Catholic family of nine children. She and her eight siblings spent their days homeschooling, competing in athletics, and learning about Catholicism through the faithful witness of their parents. She is a recent graduate of Belmont Abbey College, where she studied the Great Books and political philosophy while competing for their track and field team. When not working for Good Catholic as a writer and social media manager, Grace enjoys writing poetry, baking, and perusing thrift stores.
Featured In

Faith vs. Fiction
Blessed Fra Angelico: A Life of Beauty and Devotion
Relatively little is known about the life of early Renaissance painter Fra Angelico. Born in ...

A Lesson In Love: St. Thomas Aquinas’s Life and Philosophy
Bestow upon me also, O Lord my God, ...

What’s The State Of The Pro-Life Movement Now?
As we all remember, the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, to ...
“Papa” Benedict: A Man For Our Times, A Man For My Heart
“Are we not perhaps all afraid in some ...
The O Antiphons: An Ancient Cry For A Present Christ [Listen and Read]
From December 17th through December 23rd, the Church sings the "O Antiphons" during Vespers. ...