Journey to Easter

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Series starts on Wednesday March 5th, 2025

What Are You Doing for Lent?
It’s a question we ask ourselves every year, and we know it can be a hard one to answer. We want to do something more meaningful than just giving up chocolate, but where do we start?
There are so many beautiful devotions, so much good spiritual reading, so many Good Catholic series, so many videos and books. How do I decide which is best for me?
And then there’s the worry about whether we’ll persevere. Do I just need general goals? Or do I need a weekly plan? Should I have a daily plan?
Here at Good Catholic, we know it can be overwhelming. So we’ve pulled together the best resources we’ve got to give YOU a simple, daily Lenten devotional delivered straight to your inbox.
A Map for Each Day of the Journey
Modeled after our bestselling Journey to Christmas series, our new Lenten devotional, Journey to Easter, gives you the same daily inspiration you loved in our Advent program. It’s the step-by-step plan you need for the Lent you’ve always wanted.
Here’s how it works: Each morning, you’ll receive an email with a combination of Scripture, prayers, and reflections designed to lead you fruitfully through each day of Lent. We’ll give you weekly goals based on the Church’s traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Drawing from our best Good Catholic series—including A Holy Lent, Thy Will Be Done, The Life of Christ, and Angels & the Supernatural—and featuring your favorite Good Catholic contributors—including Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, Fr. David Miller, Fr. Ken Geraci, and Fr. Matthew Kauth—we’ll provide you with video reflections that you can watch and absorb at your own pace.
You’ll enjoy the simplicity of having your Lenten devotions all in one place, right in your inbox, at the beginning of your day, every day. And it’s flexible: you can choose which devotions and resources you’d like to do.
What is included in each email?
Here’s a more in-depth look at exactly what you’ll get in each daily email:
- A beautiful piece of sacred art related to that week’s theme
- The Sunday Gospel reading, with different passages highlighted for your reflection each day
- A video reflection (Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) or a written reflection (Tuesdays and Thursdays)—all drawn from your favorite Good Catholic series
- Your prayer, fasting, and almsgiving goals for that week (these will change each week)
- Wisdom from a saint
- Video Stations of the Cross that you can pray with the Good Catholic team
Does the daily email include everything I need?
Yes. The only thing to note is that the videos will link out to our website, so make sure you’re logged into your account or you’ll end up at the purchase page wondering why you’re being asked to purchase again. If you lose an email or want to access the content via the website at any time, just go to My Account and then My Series (located in the left-side menu under “Dashboard”) to access all the series you’re subscribed to.
Series Contributors
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD, is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Indian Land, SC. He is a moral theologian, Papal Missionary of Mercy, Adjunct Professor of Theology at Belmont Abbey College, and the host of Good Catholic’s Morning Offering podcast. He is the author of several books, including: Way of the Cross for Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith, Thy Kingdom Come: Living The Lord’s Prayer In Everyday Life, Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life, 101 Surprising Facts About St. Peter’s and the Vatican and Glory Unto Glory: A Primer of Ascetical Theology. He has been a guest on EWTN, Salt + Light television, the BBC, and Catholic radio.
Father David Miller
Fr. David Miller is a priest for the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina. One of twelve children, he began discerning his vocation to the priesthood during his middle school years. Fr. Miller has a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother and, from 2000-2003, was a member of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary (the Marians of the Immaculate Conception) before entering seminary in his native Diocese of Charlotte in 2006. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2010, and currently serves as pastor of St. Dorothy Catholic Church in Lincolnton, North Carolina.
Father Matthew Kauth
Fr. Matthew Kauth is a priest of the Diocese of Charlotte, NC. After completing a Bachelor of Sacred Theology at The Catholic University of America, Fr. Kauth was ordained to the priesthood in 2000. He then served as a parochial vicar, administrator, and pastor for six years. During this time he gained popularity through his lectures with the Catholic Scripture Study International program. He was later sent to Rome to complete a license and doctorate in Moral Theology. After obtaining his doctorate in 2012, he was appointed chaplain of a diocesan high school while also teaching theology at Belmont Abbey College. In 2014 he spearheaded a commission to determine the feasibility of establishing a college seminary in the Charlotte Diocese in cooperation with Belmont Abbey. As a result, St. Joseph College Seminary was founded in 2016. Fr. Kauth became its first Rector, where he continues to serve today.
Father Ken Geraci, CPM
Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM lived the life of the prodigal son for most of his young adult life. Raised in a typical 1980s Catholic family, who only lived the externals of the faith, Fr. Ken left the Church. He spent years focused on money, fitness, and success. Very successful in business, he made little room for God—but God did not give up on him. During this journey, God presented him with challenges that forced him to reconsider his beliefs and answer the question “What is Truth?” Through years of struggle, study, and questioning, Fr. Ken found his way from agnosticism to non-denominational Christianity and ultimately, back to the Catholic Church. Fr. Ken joined the Fathers of Mercy in 2006 and was ordained in 2012. For two years he served as an associate pastor of a medium-sized parish and currently serves as a Missionary, webmaster, and vocation director for the Fathers of Mercy. Fr. Ken has a deep understanding of the personal and societal pressures that individuals face when wrestling with their faith. He has much experience with apologetics, having spoken to people coming from all stages of the journey—including those who love Christ as well as those who “hate coming to church.” Fr. Ken was the video host for the Good Catholic series We Believe.
Father Joseph Matlak
Fr. Joseph Matlak is a priest of the Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in Parma (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic). Born in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, he studied Ancient History at King’s College London, and completed seminary studies and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. He is currently finishing a doctorate in theology at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, England. He serves as administrator of Saint Basil the Great Parish in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is an instructor within the Honors College of Belmont Abbey College. Among many roles, he has worked in parishes and missions, schools, youth and young adult ministry, and in liturgy and liturgical music.
Father Benjamin Roberts
Fr. Benjamin Roberts is a priest of the Diocese of Charlotte. He was ordained in 2009 and has been pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Monroe, North Carolina, since 2012. Father Roberts holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from D’Youville College in Buffalo, NY; masters’ degrees in systematic theology from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia; and a doctorate in homiletics from Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO. Father Roberts has also led retreats for Cursillo and for permanent deacons. In addition to his pastoral duties, he teaches preaching for deacon candidates in the Diocese of Charlotte and other dioceses.
Whitney Hetzel
Whitney Hetzel and her husband, James, have been married for thirty-three years. They have nine children ranging in age from twelve to thirty-two. Whitney, who has been homeschooling for twenty-seven years, is an exercise enthusiast who enjoys blogging about health and fitness over at 9 Kid Fitness. But her real passion is discussing faith, family, and the challenges of putting one foot in front of the other on a daily basis, all of which she writes about at Catholic Company Magazine and the Good Catholic blog. Whitney has a B.A. in English and Journalism from Indiana University and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Saint Louis University.
Peter Gohn
Peter Gohn, a proud Irish Catholic and Massachusetts native, studied History and Theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He then spent several years teaching at Christ the King Catholic High School near Charlotte, North Carolina, while also working as a freelance editor. He joined The Catholic Company in 2017 and became a key member of the Good Catholic project soon after it was launched. When not writing, Peter is likely to be found re-reading his many books, playing his piano, or watching Boston sports. His deep love of ancient and medieval history lends itself to unpacking the many rich traditions of our Catholic faith. He and his wife currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Genevieve Netherton
Genevieve Netherton, a native of Pennsylvania, was raised in a large Catholic family of nine children. She studied at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and received spiritual formation from the Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration in Hanceville, Alabama. She is an editor, writer, and marketer for Good Catholic; a content writer for The Catholic Company; a blog contributor for Catholic Company Magazine; and a freelance manuscript editor for fiction, non-fiction, and collections of poetry. Her writing has been published by DKA Magazine, Humane Pursuits, and the acclaimed Catholic quarterly Dappled Things. She currently lives in California with her career-Navy husband.