Mary Undoer of Knots


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Feeling Anxious? Mary Can Solve Your Problems

This powerful Marian devotion has been introduced into our hurting world just when we need it the most.

It is all about entrusting Mary with the “knots” in our lives: the problems, conflicts, and pain that we endure within our souls, in our relationships, or in our daily trials which are difficult to bear and feel insurmountable.

Instead of struggling alone, Mary wants us to hand these knots over to her so that she can begin to untangle them. There is no knot she can’t unravel.

You Are Not Alone!

It is in times like these that Our Lady wants you to hand over the “knots” of your life so that she can untangle them with her own capable hands.

Unemployment, anxiety, spiritual hunger…there’s no knot she can’t unravel.

Over 400 years ago, Mary’s intercession healed a troubled marriage, and inspired the devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots. Since then, millions of Catholics have offered her their problems, suffering, and hardships…and she has untangled them.

She’ll do it for you, too!

Discover the power of this devotion and Our Lady’s God-given ability to smooth out the knots in your life. You can do it right from home through our acclaimed, life-changing series.

Give Your Fears Over to Mary

This beautiful three-week series tells the true story of Mary, Undoer of Knots. It shows you how to surrender your problems to the Blessed Mother and how to make this devotion an effective reality in your daily life.

With Mary Undoer of Knots you will get:

  • Powerful spiritual comfort 
  • Daily spiritual direction with Fr. David Miller, delivered right to your inbox
  • Daily email reminders that prompt you delve into the next session
  • Access to a vibrant, prayerful community in our private Facebook group

Times are tough, but there is no knot that Mary can’t undo…even this one.

What is included in this series?

In this series, you will receive 21 lessons. Each lesson consists of a 2-5 minute video from Fr. David Miller and an article (about the length of a medium-to-long blog article) and a short reflection from our Good Catholic staff. Each lesson ends with a prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots and an audio rosary you can pray with us.

How long does this series take?

We recommend 1 lesson per day, so your series will run approximately 21 days. Every day (starting the day after you sign up), you will receive an email prompting you to read and watch the fascinating daily content for that day’s lesson. You can also jump ahead, viewing the lessons that interest you, or take more time with each lesson. Basically, go at your own pace—the emails are just there as reminders. You can repeat the series as often as you wish for a full year.

How do I access the content once I sign up?

Click the link in the daily email (make sure you’re logged in or you’ll be redirected to the purchase page). You can also click My Account and go to My Series (located in the left-side menu under “Dashboard”) to access all the series you’re subscribed to.

Series Contributors

159 Reviews

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It was an awesome series. My wife, Kristine, and I enjoyed doing it together and we seeing the one particular knot in our life for which we dedicated the devotion beginning to unravel. Fr. Miller does a good job with the videos and his sincerity to the devotion certainly shines through them. It is well worth the time and treasure.

- Mike B.
(verified owner)

Mary, Our source of healing towards heaven!

This series is further evidence that Mary is truly our mother in heaven watching over us and guiding us towards healing & heaven! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

- Julie
(verified owner)

Helped Increase My Hope

I have enjoyed my time engaging in this program each day. Simple daily readings that were rich with great material on many levels. I think the historical context of the Langenmantel family and the current background of Pope Francis really helped make this devotion relatable. I thoroughly enjoyed not only the teachings on Our Lady Undoer of Knots and on general information on the Blessed Virgin but also on other essential truths of God. This devotion series has helped me quiet myself a little more and turn to Jesus and Mary in little moments throughout the day. This devotion has helped me ground myself in the truth that Mary is always assisting us and leading us towards her Son and how active she and Jesus are in my life especially when I am not always aware. This devotion helps me increase my hope.

- James M
(verified owner)