Nunc Coepi: Now I Begin

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Get A Fresh Start. Each New Day.
So often we feel like we aren’t making the progress we want in our spiritual life. We think, “I’m praying the same way, sinning the same way, and not much seems to change.”
The Lord doesn’t want us to be discouraged by our lack of progress. He constantly calls us to start afresh! He wants nothing more than to wash away the sins of our past, and to have us entrust our present and future to His Providence. He wants us to say “Yes” to Him today, and to experience the joy and peace He has in store for us.
All that remains is to begin again, to start fresh, today and every day.
Nunc Coepi: Motto of the Saints
The phrase “nunc coepi,” (noonk cheh’-pee) means “now I begin,” and perfectly encapsulates our call to new life in Christ. These simple words hold the secret to consistent progress in the spiritual life. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Josemaría Escrivá, and Venerable Bruno Lanteri all show us the way to Christ through a ready willingness to start over.
That’s why we created this series: Nunc Coepi: Now I Begin. We’ll help you learn how to start over and how to develop a mindset of constant growth in holiness.
As St. Bernard of Clairvaux told us: “A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.”
Why join this series?
Nunc Coepi is a 7-day online devotional course designed to help you begin again in your spiritual life, now and in the future. We will walk you through some of the common pitfalls that prevent us from starting afresh every day and give you tips on how to avoid them. We aim to encourage you and give you confidence in your pursuit of holiness!
What is included in this series?
In this series, you will receive 7 lessons. Each lesson consists of a 4-6 minute video from Fr. Joseph Matlak and a short article from our Good Catholic staff. Each lesson ends with an audio rosary you can pray with us.
How long does this series take?
We recommend 1 lesson per day, so your series will run approximately 7 days. Every day (starting the day after you sign up), you will receive an email prompting you to read and watch the fascinating daily content for that day’s lesson. You can also jump ahead as we explained above, viewing the lessons that interest you, or you can take more time with each lesson. Basically, go at your own pace—the emails are just there as reminders. You can repeat the series as often as you wish for a full year.
How do I access the content once I sign up?
Click the link in the daily email (make sure you’re logged in or you’ll be redirected to the purchase page). You can also click My Account and go to My Series (located in the left-side menu under “Dashboard”) to access all the series you’re subscribed to.
Follow the words of St. Paul: “Put away the old self of your former way of life…and put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth” (Ephesians 4:22-24). Don’t allow yourself to be discouraged. Listen to Christ’s call to begin again and say with the saints: Nunc coepi!
Series Contributors
Peter Gohn
Peter Gohn, a proud Irish Catholic and Massachusetts native, studied History and Theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He then spent several years teaching at Christ the King Catholic High School near Charlotte, North Carolina, while also working as a freelance editor. He joined The Catholic Company in 2017 and became a key member of the Good Catholic project soon after it was launched. When not writing, Peter is likely to be found re-reading his many books, playing his piano, or watching Boston sports. His deep love of ancient and medieval history lends itself to unpacking the many rich traditions of our Catholic faith. He and his wife currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Father Joseph Matlak
Fr. Joseph Matlak is a priest of the Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in Parma (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic). Born in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, he studied Ancient History at King’s College London, and completed seminary studies and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. He is currently finishing a doctorate in theology at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, England. He serves as administrator of Saint Basil the Great Parish in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is an instructor within the Honors College of Belmont Abbey College. Among many roles, he has worked in parishes and missions, schools, youth and young adult ministry, and in liturgy and liturgical music.
11 Reviews
Try it... It's nice & easy.
It was a good 7-day journey for me, now especially in this season of Lent. I like how it’s simple, short, easy to understand and compelling. I recommend this to everyone who is looking forward to a contemplative start to begin again.
Peace within
Thank you for helping me make peace with my imperfections and for explaining what seeking true reconciliation means. Nunc coepi, Domine.
I went to a school in Argentina called Los Molinos. The motto, was Nunc Coepi. Many years later and thanks to you I finally get to fully understand what that means. Thank you!
What a great way to begin the new year! This takes Jesus’s “live for the day” to an even deeper level
I keep re reading so I can fully incorporate.Its also got me saying a daily rosary. Good Catholic has the best programs for delving deeper into the faith and keeping one on track.
I love all the series! This latest is one I will keep going back to. So many important messages and lessons.
I love every day of study, contemplation, revelation and inspiration.
I am enjoying the series. It is a great way to begin the year and challenge myself to take my faith life up a level.
I love everything about this series! It is helping me a lot!
I love the daily rosaries! The voices of the woman that prays the rosary as well as the other women are beautiful and refreshing to me! I do an audio rosary on most mornings and Ive been enjoying the rosary from your series!
I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of your series “Nunc Coepi”. There wasn’t one part I liked over another as I felt each part complimented the other, built on one another. The series fit perfectly into my life as the new year began–uncanny how the topics were topics I felt I needed to focus on more this year. Thank you for offering it.