The Holy Mass


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The Mass is powerful

The Mass is the most powerful prayer that exists. The Son of God physically enters the world at each and every Catholic Mass.

But if the Mass is so powerful, why don’t we experience it as powerful? Why do we—and the world—seem unchanged?

The answer is simple: we don’t grasp what’s happening because we don’t know enough about it. We don’t change because we’re unaware of the opportunity for profound graces. Many of us see the Mass as routine and ordinary. But if we understood it better, we’d know without doubt that the Mass is the most important thing in our lives.

It’s time to go deeper.

A true understanding of the Mass leads to a deeper experience, more graces, interior transformation, and personal spiritual renewal.

“If we really understood the Mass,” said St. John Vianney, “we would die of joy.”

The Mass is not a purposeless ritual. It has developed over thousands of years, starting before the birth of Christ. It’s a tapestry of Scripture and Tradition containing the entire mystery of our salvation. That’s no small thing, which is why so many of us Catholics struggle. It can be hard to see all the beauty before us; to soak in all the signs of God’s love; to respond to His many invitations throughout each and every celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.

If we want to feel more alive during the Mass, then we need to understand what is really going on. If we want to see God in these mysteries, we need to know where to look.

If we want to worship God like we ought to—if we want to experience His Love like He wants us to—then we need to focus on what He has given us: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Let’s unlock it together.

Our series is here to take you deeper. We’ll go on a 30-day journey into the hidden depths of the Mass and help you navigate the deep symbolism of its rituals. We’ll explore its biblical foundations, from Genesis to Revelation. We’ll tell you about the true purpose of the Mass and guide you to a deeper appreciation of Our Lord’s actions within it.

Join us, and discover why Padre Pio said: “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.”

What is included in this series?

In this series, you will receive 30 lessons. Each lesson consists of a 3-5 minute video from Fr. Brad Doyle and an article (about the length of a medium-sized blog article) from our Good Catholic staff. Each lesson ends with an audio rosary you can pray with us.

How long does this series take?

We recommend 1 lesson per day, so your series will run approximately 30 days. Every day (starting the day after you sign up), you will receive an email prompting you to read and watch the fascinating daily content for that day’s lesson. You can also jump ahead, viewing the lessons that interest you, or take more time with each lesson. Basically, go at your own pace—the emails are just there as reminders. You can repeat the series as often as you wish for a full year.

How do I access the content once I sign up?

Click the link in the daily email (make sure you’re logged in or you’ll be redirected to the purchase page). You can also click My Account and go to My Series (located in the left-side menu under “Dashboard”) to access all the series you’re subscribed to.

Series Contributors

44 Reviews

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I’m Enlightened

Learned so much during this series and will understand the mass more fully now

- Annette
(verified owner)


It is excellent all should watch it gives such a clarity

- Jacinta Bradshaw
(verified owner)

I am just finishing up The Holy Mass series. What an eye opener for me. Been going to church all my life and this has been quite the learning experience. I will be done in time to start the new series. Looking forward to it.

- Pat H.

Day 1 was so GREAT! I can’t wait to see what wonderful things we learn in the next 29 Blessing to all of you who are on this journey

- Caroline H.

I’m finding this so amazing and inspiring.

- Joriah Y.

I am so excited about learning every detail about the Mass. I am greatly moved and I have deepened my faith. Thank you

- Jo Anne A.

I just finished Day 4 before going to Mass. I saw and felt things in a whole new way thanks to this series

- Ruthann W.

I think it is wonderfully done!

- Linda C.