The Five Precepts of the Church


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What’s a “Practicing Catholic” Anyway?

You’re a “practicing Catholic,” but what does that actually mean? Can you name the five requirements for being one?

Yes, there are requirements! What are they? Where did they come from? Why should we do them? What—exactly—do we need to do?

Chances are, you’re already doing them.

But exploring these five “requirements”—or precepts, as they’re properly called—will help you stay close to Jesus Christ, and refocus on what’s most important.

The Five Precepts

Beyond plain obedience, the Five Precepts of the Church show us the way to a fulfilled and holy life. 

They are God’s guardrails. They keep us out of danger. They are the foundation of the Faith. 

Even if you’re a seasoned Catholic, examining these Five Precepts will help you take stock of your life and refocus on what’s truly most important.

In this series, you will learn:

  • How to spend every Sunday as God intended (Session 2)
  • Why these Catholic “requirements” are a mercy, not a burden! (Session 1)
  • The best time to receive Holy Communion (Session 4)
  • How the precepts point us to true joy and holiness (Session 7)
  • …and much more!

Join us, and Fr. John Eckert, during this 7-part digital series as we unlock these requirements so you can follow Christ with confidence and dedication!

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