How To Forgive


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Are You Struggling to Forgive Someone?

We hear a lot about forgiveness in the Gospels.

Jesus told us that we must forgive our brother not seven times, but seventy times seven—that is, every time.

But most of the time, we have difficulty forgiving people. Especially when it comes to the deepest hurts—like those inflicted by family and friends—or those offenses which are repeated or for which we receive no apology.

How can we forgive others not just when it’s easy, but when it’s really hard? How can we make forgiveness more than a lofty ideal?

And how do we put it into practice?

Experience the Freedom of Forgiveness

In the Our Father, we say: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Learning how to forgive is therefore not just praiseworthy—it’s necessary for our salvation.

If we fully embrace the call to forgive and truly practice it in our lives, we will experience an unbelievable freedom of soul, mind, and even body.

  • We will be unchained from past hurts and move forward, assisted by the grace and mercy of God.
  • We will be able to live out Christ’s command to love our enemies and do good to those that hate us.
  • We will no longer be slaves to our wounds, but free.

The How-To of Forgiveness

Maybe you’ve tried to embark on this journey before and found yourself lost, confused, or hurting worse.

Not anymore.

We will guide you through the how-to of forgiveness so that you will not only have a clear understanding of forgiveness, but also a clear plan to follow.

In this series, you will get:

  • A daily video from Fr. Ken Geraci of the Fathers of Mercy, offering guidance to approaching even the hardest situations
  • A deliverance exercise which will assist you in freeing yourself from environments, personal attitudes, or diabolical influences that might be holding you back from forgiveness
  • A final forgiveness exercise in which Fr. Geraci will lead you in forgiving all the people in your life who have injured you
  • Wisdom from the saints who have experienced and practiced forgiveness
  • Real-world examples of forgiveness in practice

Series Contributors

4 Reviews

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

I started this video series before Lent. When you are hurt by others, it can make you feel unworthy as a person & learning How to Forgive through Lord’s will, is very freeing. Your heart does mend & you will get insight on how you can do this. Fr. Geraci really wants you to reflect on how God wants you to live the best life. This has improve my life tremendously & was a blessing! Thank You Fr. Geraci & all those who put this together! Bless you all!

- Joy B
(verified owner)

Excellent, excellent, excellent. I can’t thank Fr Geraci and tge team enough for helping me to overcome a deep unforgiveness I had unwittingly harboured since my early childhood. I am finally free to be the woman God intended me to be, and to live the life he wants me to live. Would highly recommend this series to anyone open to the incredible mercy of God in their lives.

- Linda Kirkpatrick
(verified owner)


This helped me heal so much in my life. Thank you Thank you

- Mary Smith
(verified owner)

Moving forward

This series has helped me move forward in my life and relationship and lifted a burden from me. I highly recommend this if you’re struggling to forgive someone or your self. This reminded me that if Jesus can forgive me then I too can forgive has hard as that can be it is very possible. I felt a real connection with each lesson and especially the videos, and saying the rosary everyday after was a blessing. Was really nice that you can choose to play the recorded rosary by the priest to pray along with him. I can’t say enough good about this!
Thank you for this blessing, and for my wife who sent it to me.

- Jeff
(verified owner)