Overcoming Deadly Sin

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Fight Sin. Foster Virtue.
Every one of us must fight against sin, or risk losing our souls. If we hope to overcome the deadly sins, we need to know what they are and how they work in our lives. Click the video for an exclusive Sneak Peek.
Equip yourself to conquer the sins that sneakily threaten your relationship with God.
Rooting Out Deadly Sin
Sin is sneaky. It thrives when we ignore it—or when we think we don’t struggle with it. And while we might know about the “Seven Deadly Sins,” that only scratches the surface of understanding deadly sin in our lives. Every person must resist every sin, even if we think we don’t struggle with sloth, or gluttony, or pride.
In this 29-lesson series, we’ll learn how to pursue a life of virtue by learning:
- Why there are more than seven Deadly Sins (Session 1)
- That sloth isn’t actually about being lazy (Sessions 10 and 11)
- Why lust is the “least” of the deadly sins, but still has drastic consequences (Session 14)
- The many hidden ways that deadly sin can pop up in our lives (Session 16)
- How the virtue of justice and a well-formed conscience can help us grow in every virtue (Session 26)
- …and much more
Take the journey with us and with Fr. John Eckert. The deadly sins threaten each one of us, but through Christ and with the guidance of His Church, we can walk the path of righteousness and become more like His saints.
Flexible Series Format
Overcoming Deadly Sin will evaluate each of the deadly sins in turn, then examine the opposing virtues. However, you don’t have to do things in that order. If you want to learn how to better combat a particular sin in your life, you can read about that sin then jump ahead to the opposing virtue and begin breaking your sinful habits. You can get what you need right away, so that you can fight the good fight without waiting around.
We’ll also include in-depth examinations to help you diagnose the sins in your life. You might be surprised at the ways the deadly sins can lurk in your life.
What is included in this series?
In this series, you will receive 29 lessons. Each lesson consists of a 3-5 minute video from Fr. Eckert and an article (about the length of a medium-sized blog article) from our Good Catholic staff. Each lesson ends with an audio rosary you can pray with us.
How long does this series take?
We recommend 1 lesson per day, so your series will run approximately 29 days. Every day (starting the day after you sign up), you will receive an email prompting you to read and watch the fascinating daily content for that day’s lesson. You can also jump ahead as we explained above, viewing the lessons that interest you, or you can take more time with each lesson. Basically, go at your own pace—the emails are just there as reminders. You can repeat the series as often as you wish for a full year.
How do I access the content once I sign up?
Click the link in the daily email (make sure you’re logged in or you’ll be redirected to the purchase page). You can also click My Account and go to My Series (located in the left-side menu under “Dashboard”) to access all the series you’re subscribed to.
Are You Ready?
Join us for Overcoming Deadly Sin, learn to identify the deadly sin in your life, and cooperate with grace to stamp it out. Sign up today!
Series Contributors
Father John Eckert
Fr. John Eckert is a priest of the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina. A cradle Catholic, he grew up surrounded by family, friends, and clergy who exemplified what it meant to truly live the Faith. This helped him discern his calling to the priesthood from a young age. He graduated from Saint Louis University in 2004 with a degree in Political Science and Communication. He entered seminary soon afterwards, studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Ohio. In 2010, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Charlotte. He has served as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Grace in Greensboro and as pastor of St. John the Baptist in Tryon. He now serves as pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Salisbury, where he has been in residence since 2014.
Peter Gohn
Peter Gohn, a proud Irish Catholic and Massachusetts native, studied History and Theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He then spent several years teaching at Christ the King Catholic High School near Charlotte, North Carolina, while also working as a freelance editor. He joined The Catholic Company in 2017 and became a key member of the Good Catholic project soon after it was launched. When not writing, Peter is likely to be found re-reading his many books, playing his piano, or watching Boston sports. His deep love of ancient and medieval history lends itself to unpacking the many rich traditions of our Catholic faith. He and his wife currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.
1 Review
The series truly exceeded my expectations. Peter Gohn’s compelling messages, which had to be God-inspired, held me in anticipation for more. The narrative, spoken by the esteemed Fr. John Eckert, was strong but gentle at the same time. I am printing the series because it is so complete. Thank you.