Fatima: The True Story


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Series starts on Monday May 13th, 2024

A Great Sign From Heaven

The Marian apparitions at Fatima have not merely been approved by the Church: due to their prophetic nature, they have been given a place of prominence over all other apparitions. What did Our Lady really say? Why does Fatima continue to have such great importance for the Church and the world? Begin a journey that will help you understand Our Lady’s messages and let them transform the way you live out your faith.

What is the True Story of Our Lady of Fatima?

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, on the 13th day of the month from May to October. The final apparition on October 13th concluded with the spectacular “Miracle of the Sun” and was witnessed by over 70,000 people. Although many Catholics have heard of Our Lady of Fatima, most do not know the incredible story in its entirety or its crucial importance in world history, the life of the Church, and our own eternal salvation.

Why This Apparition Matters To You

Over a century after the apparitions, Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima remains a event of the greatest importance in the life of the Church. Pope Francis, who dedicated his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, honored the centenary with a historic visit to the site of the Marian apparitions on May 13th, 2017. You can immerse yourself in the history and meaning of Fatima from your own home by participating in this 30-day series, which will present and explain the apparitions and show you how they apply to you and your family today.

We believe it is important for everyone to know the Fatima story, what it means, and how it has dramatically unfolded in history since the original event. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI: “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete.” As you read, listen, and pray through this series, our goal is for you to practice your Catholic faith in a way that will be transformative for your whole life.

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150 Reviews

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I thought I knew the story of the Fatima apparitions, but have learned so many historical facts I had never heard before. Many thanks to the Catholic Company!

- Kelly M.

Dear Gretchen and Fr Winslow, I am so pleased with this Fatima Series…I look forward every day to reading the content and listening to Fr Winslow’s commentary. I especially like your story, Father, about being born, then ordained, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! You are definitely anointed for this mission, and are doing a great job fulfilling it! Again, thank you so much for this excellent series! May God richly bless you for your work!

- Maureen L.

For now just want to tell you how much I LOVE the story of 30 day journal of Fatima so much… Soooo in love with the story and Lucia!!! I love the writing… so simple, easy to read and understand the story very clearly. Thank you for this gift! Learning a great deal of the story and very understand why Our Lady of Mary showed up at Fatima, Portugal and to three spiritual children.. Just WOWOWOW!!!

- Roberta R.

I LOVED THIS SERIES!! I have been exposed to the story of Fatima since I was a child.

My dear mother had great devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and went o Fatima at least 19 times.
She brought a pilgrim Virgin statue back to our parish in Memphis, TN to promote Our Lady’s message
and devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. My Mom personally took the statue to various homes in the parish
for a 3 day visit to pray a family rosary and to learn of the Fatima story. She did this for over 15 years.

We prayed the rosary as a family and had a weekly neighborhood block rosary.and prayed for the conversion of Russia at every rosary. First Saturdays were stressed.

This series was wonderful. The history of the world and Portugal prior to the apparitions was
so educational. My mother had a copy of a painting that Brother Juno had painted and it is hanging on my wall. Now I know more about the warrior for Our Lady and Portugal.

My mother took our entire family –children, spouses and grandchildren to Fatima in 1997. I was drawn to be at the Cova where Our Lady appeared, I just wanted to be on that holy ground. I am going back to Fatima in October this year as well as to Lourdes.

The past two years I have been discerning what my mission is for Our Lady. I was our Parish’s coordinator
for The National and International Pilgrim Virgin statue tours in October 2015 and this past May 2017.
I feel Our Lady and my mother are influencing me. So now I am praying and when I get to Fatima again
I am hoping I will understand.

Thank you for this beautiful series and I look forward to sharing it in print.

- Armantine Keller Williams

I honestly didn’t know more than the bare basics of Our Lady’s visits to Fatima. This series was beautifully researched, beautifully presented and wholly convincing. It has caused changes in my behavior that I had “wanted” to make, but hadn’t quite been moved to make. I’ve moved!

This year is the 100th anniversary of Fatima and the 500th anniversary of the worst schism of all, the protestant revolt. And in a city named (indirectly) after Mohammed’s favorite daughter. If that’s not a combination to be heeded fully, I don’t know what is. Thank you, and please produce more of this type of series. I intend on reading/watching the entire series again. May God bless your efforts!

- Dale Powers

Thank you for providing this most wonderful series for us. It was very informative, very reflective and prayerful! … the best $14.99 I have ever spent!

- Aggiemaye

This series profoundly effected me in many good ways. I am so grateful to the writer of this series. My love of the Blessed Mother and the rosary has taken on a sense urgency and increased purpose. This particular period from Lourdes to Fatima and St. Faustina are undeniable expressions of a continuous love and deep concern the Lord has for us.. His Sorrowful Passions of the Cross and Ressurection, are as real today as 2000 yrs ago. It isn’t He who comes and goes! Blessings and devotion to our Mother must be my response.

- Jay

Thank you for this wonderful series. While I knew a little about Fatima, I learned quite a bit more.
I hope you are planning more of these.

- Anonymous

I just want to say how much I enjoyed learning about the history of Our Lady of Fatima. I looked forward to receiving these emails on a daily basis. I learned so much and will miss the emails. I am now trying to follow the message by praying the rosary and honoring the messages sent by Our Lady.

I do hope you have other series in the future.

- Anonymous

I absolutely loved the Fatima series. I grew up with the messages of Fatima and have tried to live my life accordingly. I read the information each day and have realized there is so much more to Fatima then I know and more that we do not know. I watched the videos with my teenage and 20 year old children before we prayed our rosary each night. The videos were just the right length…they were interesting and inspiring while keeping their attention.

Thank you so much for this series! It was beautiful!

- Anonymous

Hi, i enjoyed your series very much! i am a cradle Catholic, educated by nuns, received all my sacraments in Latin…. and i learned things in your series that i never heard before! i plan to re-read the articles again more slowly, because they were so enjoyable. Thank You for helping us learn to be better Catholics!

- Anonymous

Truly interesting and inspirational. Thanks for providing access to this informative subject of our Lady.

- Anonymous